Some characterizations of submaximality
Counting maximal chains of subgroups of finite nilpotent groups
A survey of different integer programming formulations of the generalized minimum spanning tree problem
Statistical tests for linear and nonlinear dependence and long-memory in Romanian stocks market
Nonlinear multigrid methods for solving Richards’ equation in two space dimensions
Approximate solutions of boundary value problems for ODEs using Newton interpolating series
Oscillation theorems for non-linear difference equation of the second order
Diamond-α tangent lines of time scales parametrized regular curves
Differential subordinations and superordinations for analytic functions defined by an integral operator
Algorithms to determine the point of minimum of a real unimodal function on a set – a survey
Products of hypergroupoids associated to binary relations
Approximating common fixed points of noncommuting discontinuous weakly contractive mappings in metric spaces
Fixed points for weakly compatible mappings satisfying an implicit relation in partially ordered metric spaces